sobota 20. listopadu 2010

mozaiky tisice a jedne noci...

Krasohled je ta nejkouzelnejsi vec vubec, vyhrala jsem si s nim kus dne!!!:)

4 komentáře:

  1. Oh my, I bought a kaleidoscope and thought I would take beautiful pictures of it. However, I have not figured hot how to do it. May I ask how do you manage to take so beautiful images like these?
    Thanks for your visiting. Greetings to you from Norway:)
    Have a great new week!

  2. Ty už ho máš!!! :-) Já bych také nevydržela čekat...

  3. Fei An~thank you very much!
    It is best to look at something through a kaleidoscope of many colors, such as the stripes come out nicely .. Patience ...:)... looking and looking. With photography I can not advise you. I have no special trick. I took the picture a hundred photos and only a few were good ... Have a nice day!
    My english is not good, i'm sorry...:)

    Stern~prene tak, nevzdrzela jsem a koupila jsem si v sobotu nadherny krasohled!Pak ti jej v praci ukazu. Snad uz je ti lip!

    Thank you everbydody:)
