pátek 14. ledna 2011

monster in my head

When I was little child, I looked up from the bed out of the window. The view was a tall block of flats. I saw many hands, that waved behind the windows.
 "Oh my God! Someone shut the people there and they are trying to call for help! Definitely I will see for a moment the silhouette of someone with a knife in his hand! But why are so many people there? Oh, maybe this is not some cult? Or there they are Satans!"

..It was just a tree branch in front of windows..


středa 5. ledna 2011

I would like to have a bubble bath

V dětství jsem měla takové zvířátko na kolečkách. Červeného pejska. Pamatuji si, jak jsem si vzala na balkon malou vaničku pro panenky, nalévala do ní vodu a pak tam prstíkem přimíchávala šampon na vlasy, až se udělala pěna. A poté jsem pejskovi domlouvala, že je špinavý a musí se vykoupat..:)
..no jo...

In my childhood I had a pet on wheels. Red dog. I took a small bath for dolls to the balcony and
I talked to my dog toy: "have a bath, you are dirty!"


sobota 1. ledna 2011

jarni den


 Zima uz me vubec nebavi...tesim se na jaro, na vonavy vzduch, vlhkou hlinu...